Grind Now Shine Later

Chris Boucher wasn’t supposed to be in the NBA. But he is. ‘Grind Now, Shine Later’ is the story of how he made it this far. It’s that unlikely underdog tale told again and again, but never ceases to amaze. It’s about overcoming adversity, against all odds, and turning negatives into positives. It’s about inspiring others through action. It’s about grinding now so you can shine later.

Full Film Below:

Executive Producers NBA: Ron Goldenberg, Tonya Davis

Production Company: Sherpas Cinema

Executive Producer Sherpas Cinema: Malcolm Sangster
Producer: Roland Eksteins
Director: Jay Macmillan, Tim Symes, Eric Crosland, Dave Mossop
Editor: Tim Symes, Jay Macmillan
DOP: Leo Hoorn, Jake Dyson
Cinematography: Leo Hoorn, Jake Dyson, Clay Mitchell, Steve Henderson
Visual Effects: Jeremy Kenning
Written by: Roland Eksteins, Jay MacMillan, Tim Symes
Additional Cinematography: Pac 12 Network, GoDucks
Post Production Supervisor: Tim Symes
Colorist: Dimitri Rajapakse (MPC LA)
Sound Design & Mix: Jeff Yellen
Location Sound: Olivier Houde
Custom Score by: Jacob Yoffee
Additional Music: The Gibbs - Rust, B.Michaael - Helth
Special thanks to NBA Canada